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/ SunSoft Catalyst CDWARE 1996 May to August / Catalyst CDWARE 1996 May to August.iso / .products / Amerinex_AI / vtutor / images / lect4.gif < prev    next >
Graphics Interchange Format  |  1996-02-09  |  21KB  |  945x698  |  4-bit (9 colors)
Labels: book | daily | house | reckoner | sheep | windowpane
OCR: Ideal edges/d iscontinuities almost never appear ir images. Extraction of edges based on characterization of ideal properties 10 very diffioult, since the noise introduced the image formation processes, Real Image the samp] ling done obtain the digital image and the general clutter usually found in complex imagery distorts and obscures the ideal edge beyond recognition. Although the discontinui ties along the boundaries of the house look very much like step diso ontinuities (or a steep ramp) discontinuties, you would be hard pressed to characterize the events 1n the grass, bush. and tree areas. 4-11 Edge Oetectian Ett Amerinex A all riahts reserved 4-11 difficult oling olutter recogn lition serp 1993 rights